Published Articles & Blogs.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference.
Issue 19: Effective pedagogy and applying research in practice
Published: September 2023
Guest Edited By: Becky Francis
This issue explores the theme of effective pedagogy and applying research in practice, with sections on:
Implementing research in practice
Understanding the importance of oracy
Professional learning and collaboration
Engaging families and the wider community
Supporting children affected by trauma.
Nurseryworld published an article highlighting best practice when children are affected by trauma.
Supporting children with self-care
Nurseryworld published an article highlighting best practice when children master the skills of dressing, feeding and toileting.
Creativity with Inclusion in Mind
ReFocus is the UK network of early childhood educators, artists and others influenced in their practice by the preschools of Reggio Emilia. A report on a collaborative project involving artists, the early years inclusion team and children in Herefordshire early years settings.
EEF Blog Series
A series of blogs written and published by Louise Jackson whilst working with the Education Endowment Foundation.
Teaching Times
The process of early intervention is just that. A process.
Louise Jackson provides a flexible framework that allows schools to make early intervention a creative, effective and – most importantly – a long-term development.