Early Childhood Education

Innovation & Projects

Take a look at innovative projects

designed and developed for

Early Educators

The EEF Early Years Evidence Store

Louise was the Early Years Content Specialist who worked alongside the EEF’s Research and Synthesis Project Team to create content; supporting the production of film and written exemplification for the project. Louise specifically worked on the taxonomies, evidence and training programmes relating to Personal, Social and Emotional learning and Early Literacy.

The Early Years Evidence Store was developed to provide an accessible source of reliable evidence for the Early Years Stronger Practice Hubs. During the early stages in the design and development the benefits of making the portal available to all Early Educators was recognised and the site was published.

The development of the EEF’s Evidence Store and associated training was launched in February 2023 and is ongoing today. The platform will continue to grow as Stronger Practice Hubs share with their networks and as future content is added.

You can see The Evidence Store here.

EExAT - The Early Excellence Tracker

Louise was the Early Years Curriculum Consultant who worked alongside the software developers and film production company to create content, deliver EExAT training and support schools and settings who were implementing it across their Early Years Foundation Stage.

EExAT was a fully integrated online assessment system designed to accurately record children’s knowledge, skills and learning dispositions.

A system that established the starting points on entry and was used for documenting, reporting and moderating evidence of children’s learning from birth to five years.

Exemplification films showing key moments of a child’s development across different ages, stages and contexts for learning - at home, in nurseries and in school.

You can see more information about EExAT here.

Remote Learning Publications

Threads of Hope & Until We Meet Again

Louise worked as an e-volunteer for Voluntary Service Overseas during the pandemic and created content to teach young children how to stay safe in a pandemic and support remote learning. The photo-books were published online and used by schools in Asia and the UK to communicate important health and wellbeing messages to young children.

Conferences, Workshops and Training Events

Louise has organised conferences, workshops and training for partnerships of schools and settings to promote collaborative working and the sharing of excellent practice. Speakers and exhibitors are carefully chosen to address local needs, and to inspire and stimulate new learning.

Workshops include ‘Tuning into Children’, ‘Adventure & Challenge - Is it Worth the Risk?’ and ‘Adapting continuous provision for children with SEND’.

Bespoke programmes of training were developed for the National Education Trust - Early Years NETworks, for Herefordshire Local Education Authority - Making Waves and for the Anna Freud Centre for Children and Families/BBC Children in Need. - Trust Me.

The map shows the spread of ‘Trust Me’ training delivered across the UK and gives an indication of the potential impact that an online training course can have when communicating key messages about mental health for children and young people.